1. MAC Studio Finish Concealer in NW 30
I've been looking for a really great full-finish concealer for a while now, because I figure that it'll be an essential for looking awake and refreshed after a long night. I've been looking up concealers for a while, and I really didn't want to spend too much, so while many fancier concealers exist, I figured this one would be a nice combination of heavy coverage with a moderate price.
This is actually the first high-end cosmetic item that I've ever purchased, and I'm so glad that I did. It looks a bit light, and I was surprised to be matched to NW 30 (since I'm kind of a golden-tan warm-skinned person, and NW is a bit on the cooler side, but I'm going to try it out and see how it goes. The little pot, by the way, is the most adorable and convenient thing I've ever seen. It's the size of a MAC shadow pot and fits effortlessly into even the smallest of clutches.
2. Lush Dark Angels Cleanser
I suppose buying the MAC concealer got me on a spree, because I decided to get a high-end facial cleanser as well. Thankfully for me, this small container of cleanser only cost around $10 with tax, so it was about as much as a drugstore cleanser. Granted, it wasn't a huge amount, but I'll get into why it's worth the money later. It's garnered pretty good reviews on MakeupAlley for girls with blackheads, which is definitely me. So, since I was at Macy's and hadn't bought much in the way of makeup for the month of August, I decided to try it out.
First of all, I'm not overly concerned with using "all-natural" products on my skin, but it's nice to know that unpronounceable ingredients will be loaded onto my face in the name of staying clean. Lush is a charmingly organic and natural store, where my personal choice of concealer was packaged almost like it came straight out of Whole Foods.
Inside, it looks like ground-up charcoal...which makes sense, as charcoal is one of the main ingredients. It looks a bit odd for a cleanser, but it's more of a scrub. What I do is remove my makeup first, dampen my nose area (which is where I mainly use the cleanser), take a little lump of the cleanser, and massage it into my nose area and around, like a scrub. I leave it there for two or three minutes, and then massage it into my nose as i remove it.
So far I'm liking the products, but in a few weeks I'll have an update post on how they've been working for me, as one can never really tell until two or three weeks have gone by.